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Continuing healthcare (CHC) funding
Continuing Healthcare (CHC)
What is NHS continuing healthcare funding?
The NHS provide a package of funding to those needing care for a severe health condition.
NHS continuing healthcare funding (CHC) is granted to those who have ongoing health conditions or care needs that require complex care or palliative care. It is a package of continuing care at home that is fully funded by the NHS and can either be permanent or applied on an unspecified period of time
Am I eligible for continuing healthcare?
The need for care must be health related. The NHS call this a “primary health need”.
To find out if you qualify for continuing healthcare, individual needs must be assessed. Request an assessment from your local integrated care board (ICB) or get in touch with your GP. The ICBs are responsible for the provision of NHS services in England and hold the budget for continuing healthcare funding. Individual needs will be initially assessed by your GP, nurse or social worker.
It is important to note that you will be assessed on your care needs specifically, not any particular diagnosis or health condition.
What happens during a full continuing healthcare assessment?
Following a screening process, a full Continuing Healthcare assessment will be carried out by a team of healthcare professionals to determine whether a person is eligible for funding.
An assessment should always be undertaken with at least two healthcare professionals who are already involved in your care. They will assess a variety of different needs including cognition, medication, mobility, breathing and nutrition, and then mark each need as either ‘priority’, ‘severe’, ‘high’, ‘moderate’, ‘low’, or ‘no needs’. Healthcare professionals will look at:
The type of help you need
What sort of care you’d benefit from – for instance, palliative, domiciliary, or live-in – and whether you need specialist support for your condition
How complex your needs are
The complexity and stage of your condition, the level of care you need, and whether your care needs are likely to change or develop regularly
How much risk is involved
If you don’t receive the appropriate help, what risks are involved and what might be the consequences of not starting care immediately?
What is NHS continuing healthcare funding?
The NHS provide a package of funding to those needing care for a severe health condition.
NHS continuing healthcare funding (CHC) is granted to those who have ongoing health conditions or care needs that require complex support or palliative care. It is a package of continuing care at home that is fully funded by the NHS and can either be permanent or applied on an unspecified period of time.
Call us to find out more about NHS funding
Am I eligible for continuing healthcare?
The need for care must be health related. The NHS call this a “primary health need”.
To find out if you qualify for continuing healthcare, individual needs must be assessed. Request an assessment from your local integrated care board (ICB) or get in touch with your GP. The ICBs are responsible for the provision of NHS services in England and hold the budget for continuing healthcare funding. Individual needs will be initially assessed by your GP, nurse or social worker.
It is important to note that you will be assessed on your care needs specifically, not any particular diagnosis or health condition.
After an assessment
Application sent to CCG for approval
The agreed recommendation is presented to the local clinical commissioning group for approval.
Arrange a personalised care plan
Once approved, the continuing healthcare team at the CCG can arrange a personalised care plan. Where an individual’s condition is deteriorating rapidly, a fast-track continuing healthcare assessment and packages can be implemented.
Partner with a care provider
We regularly work with continuing healthcare teams and families requiring care. Our ability to form strong partnerships and respond promptly and professionally gives peace of mind.